Can I secure my app with a passcode? What is a mugshot?

  • Access control / Passcode request
  • Touch-ID control (iOS user only)
  • Mugshot (iOS user only)

Access Control

Protect your app and all its contents with our access control feature:

  • App settings > Access Control > Passcode timeout

Set the passcode timeout and enter a passcode. This passcode is now requested when opening the app.

Please note: Memorize your passcode well as it cannot be recovered. iOS users can also activate touch-id for access control (iPhone 5s, iPad air, iPad mini 3 or newer).

Mugshot (iOS only)

Besides the passcode protection, you are now able to activate the mugshot feature:

  • App settings > Access Control > Enable Mugshot

When entering a wrong passcode a photo will be taken with the front camera. This photo is saved in your app under Media > Visual

(The mugshot is intently not saved to your phone’s library as an unauthorized user would have access and be able to delete it.)

When this feature is activate and no passcode is set, a mugshot is taken every time you open the app.