What is “Nearby”?

“Nearby” communication is our spontaneous data sharing feature. No need to connect to unknown peeps: you can interact with all users who reside within a radius up to 100 meters around you and also use the nearby mode. Texts and attachments will be transferred safely – just how you are used to it. Plus: messages and attachments can be sent and received gesture-controlled.

Start Nearby mode
Change to the nearby tab to start the nearby mode. The app will immediately start searching for other users nearby enabling you to start a conversation and spontaneously exchange data with anybody around you also running “nearby”.

Add nearby contacts as friends to stay in contact or create a permanent group from nearby group to stay in touch even when people leave nearby or deactivate the nearby mode.

Nearby mode is deactivated the moment you switch tabs again.
Find more information on nearby in our privacy and security statement.