Webserver – Import and forward “other” files

Webserver (Attachment Access)

You can access and save all received attachments or import any file in order to forward it by using the web server feature.

  • Access all received files
  • Save received files on your computer
  • Import any file regardless format or size
  • Securely share .pdf, .ppp, .html and many more

How does it work?

  1. Connect to a private network
  2. Open the app settings > Webserver (Attachment Access) > activate (slide control)
  3. Open a web browser (Firefox, Chrome, etc.) on your computer and insert the http:// address indicated in your App
  4. Fill in the indicated username as well as the named password in the dialogue window (Have a close look on punctuation!)
  5. Manage your files using the web interface
  6. All imported files will be visible under “media” on your phone. Click on “media” and “edit” to share any file with your contacts.

Please note, that it is not possible to import folders. Furthermore, you have to keep your app running in foreground in order to use the web server feature.

For security reason: Do not start the server when connected to an untrusted public WIFI-network.