How can I delete my account for good?

To keep our service running, we need to store some user information on our servers:

  • a persistent random number representing your client id
  • the chosen nicknames
  • the chosen avatars
  • relationship to other clients and group memberships

To delete these information for good, you need to delete it from our server. As a result, you will not appear in your friends’s contact list, will be deleted from your active groups and you won’t be able to login anymore. Deinstalling the application does not do the trick. So here is how it works:

Delete account from server

  1. Open your profile
  2. Edit profile
  3. Select “delete account from server” and confirm

Please note: Once you have deleted this information from our server, the account is deleted for good. No backup or credential import will restore this information. The server will refuse any login from an unknown user and that’s what you are once the account is deleted.